Oberle et al. 2025: Suppl. Data

Supplementary data for:

Anna Oberle, Franziska Hanzer, Felix Kokocinski, Anna Ennemoser, Luca Carli, Enrico Vaccari, Markus Hengstschläger, Michael Feichtinger

Non-Invasive Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy (niPGT-A) Using Nanopore Sequencing on Spent Embryo Culture Medium: A Comparative Experimental Study.

The raw data (binned read counts of all samples used) can be accessed here.
The format of the files is explained in the following table:

chromRegion coordinates: Chromosome
startInRegion coordinates: Start of the bin
endRegion coordinates: End of the bin
cn_changeAutomatically detected copy-number change
genomic_midRegion coordinates: Midpoint of the bin as a genome-wide coordinate
raw_countsRead number overlapping bin
countsRead number adjusted by in-silico reference
medianRead number after median-normalization
Read number after adjusted with region median
counts_smoothRead number after smoothing window
percentcountsRead number as percentage of total reads

The sample results per sequencing run can be found here.
The format of the files is explained in the following table:

RunName of sequencing run
FileInternal sample ID
SampleSample ID as shown in the publication
NoiseNoise measure 1
MAPDNoise measure 2
Total-VarNoise measure 3
NWertNoise measure 4
NNumNoise measure 5
QCAutomatically assigned QC status
SexAutomatically detected sex
Autom. detektiertAutomatically detected karyotype